How to Get UAE Resident Visa For A Spouse Or A Child in 2024?
Here is a very informative article on how to Get a UAE Resident Visa UAE For A Spouse Or A Child can be sponsored. Generally, if the applicant is an employee of the United Arab Emirates country or has having resident visa permit after serving a working permit in the United Arab Emirates country for more than 5 years, they can quickly get the family sponsor to entitle them. But here also lies a condition
- employee financial stabilization is a mandatory matter of factor,
- they must earn a monthly wage of 4000 AED along with having an asset of a minimum of 3000 AED
- after that, their medical and fitness checkup will be conducted
- and the foreign new comments must acquire the age of 18 years or above. Only by satisfying this condition can a person get the family sponsoring residency visa from the emirate’s embassy.
How To Get Residence Visa For Dubai
Now coming to the point, what are the requirements for getting the sponsorship for the family residence UAE visa –
- if the person is an employer or has been an employee of some emirate’s countries working firm, then they can easily sponsor the family residence visa
- if the employee is male, then he can easily sponsor their family, especially their children and legally married wife
- employee professionalism is not a matter for getting the sponsorship
- relationship evidence is an essential matter of facts for getting the family residence visa
- the employee must earn a monthly wage of 4000 AED along with it having an asset of a minimum of 3000 AED in the emirate’s country
- GDRFA will look into this matter of fact. From the recent updates, it has come across that GDRFA authorities are helping the new foreign resident's comers to settle in the emirate’s country, which is positive and good news for foreign travellers.
- The Father of the family member will only be eligible to sponsor his child, whereas the woman are not been eligible to do this sponsorship for her child
- After the family residence visa is issued, the travellers will be given 60 days to enter the Emirates country. This is the valid period offered with these visa types
- This sponsorship is valid for 3 years maximum, although it ultimately depends on employee contract agreement details. After the period ends, the employee has to renew it on the due period
- These whole conditions are been subjected by the Emirates embassy and Dubai embassy by consulting the GDRFA authorities in a cabinet meeting
- For all the requirements of a family residence visa, candidates’ id and citizenship approval by the federal authorities is a mandatory matter of facts
Dubai Visa Medical Requirements
Now coming to the point, what are the medical visa requirements for getting entry approval for the emirate’s country and Dubai city-
- Travellers who are been 18 years of age have to obtain medical and fitness checkups from some approved medical firm; this condition I have applied to both men and women
- After that, covid PCR test and dose-approved certification is a mandatory condition
- They might go through HIV, tuberculosis, and full-body x-day tests. All the reposts must be genuine and from some approved medical firm.
- As the GDRFA authorities will check the health fittest certification before granting the entry approval
- If any contagious disease is suspected, the applicant might have to go for a quarantine period for 7 days, and then again PCR test will be conducted.
- Emirate’s Ministry of Health department is cautious about this matter.
Can I Sponsor An Immigrant Family
Yes, you can sponsor the family residence visa by the expatriate family visa sponsorship, and this is been directed by the GDRFA authorities through new rules and regulations
- For sponsorship, the applicant's wife are been required to show their married original and authenticate certifications
- The foreign emirate’s officers must sign an immigrant certification of the applicant's family
- As Muslim residence applicants, they can sponsor two wife’s residence sponsorship at the same time as per the GDRFA authority's respective terms and conditions
- The Father of the family member will only be eligible to sponsor his child, whereas the woman are not been eligible to do this sponsorship for her child
- If the son and daughter are been studying in the emirates schooling, then up to 21 years father can sponsor their children. Still, after that, the child has to issue a green card permit for their own by consulting with the emirate’s embassy authorities.
- Stepchildren can also be a sponsor as per the GDRFA authorities' respective terms and condition
Dubai & UAE Spouse or Child visa required documents
The required documents for the UAE visa which are needed to be submitted are-
- Registered application form copies of records
- Must give the families every individual original passport copies
- 2 copies of colour photographs of Families every individual is required
- Medical and fitness check-ups documents from some approved medical firms are essential
- Getting a copy of the employment contracts agreement and the working id of the husband is required for the family visa sponsorship
- Husbands’ financial stabilization is a mandatory matter of factor
- For sponsorship of their wife, husbands are been required to show their marriage original and authenticate certifications
- All the legal tenancy agreements.
UAE Visa Online
For all the UAE visa types, you can now apply online and able to grab all the details of that country through an online platform; for that, need to visit the UAE visa online site; this is an authenticated platform for visa bookings
- As it understands customers’ needs
- Gives priority to customer privacy and security
- No refunds are been given
- Having the tracking facilities
- Good visa package schemes at affordable prices
- Never miss your applicants’ data and documents
- The applicant must pay service tax and government tax
- Millions of happy customers and good feedback
- 24/7 service and 48 hours delivery facilities are been provided